Concierge Experiences​

InovateForward™ is a service-based technology company using cutting-edge technology to connect businesses and organizations with their audiences in mutually beneficial ways.  We help owners, sponsors, advertisers and managers obtain vital information and provide unparalleled value through concierge-style experiences.  We attract users with interactive and immersive content that drives them to engage. We aim to improve efficiencies and enhance experiences using tomorrow’s technology today!

Partner with InovateForward™

InovateForward™ offers a wide range of partner features and  services to help improve your operations and increase your bottom line. Partner with InovateForward™ to grow your business and expand your network and audience reach.

• Integrated Solutions

Develop and launch products and services, while customizing and retaining your visual and brand identity.

• White-label Mobile + Web Solutions

Empower your network with customizable, up to date and innovative services and features.

Technology Support

Access support with setup, training, tech support, and services for mobile and web development.

Platform Features

InovateForward’s cutting-edge technology solutions are unrivaled in the Web4, ChatGPT, and AI arena.

• Coupon offers and discount codes

• Personalized interests and categories

• Digital wallet and payments

• Orders and product purchases

• Schedule events, messages, contests

• Manage ad campaigns and offers

• Targeted push notifications

• Analytic reporting across businesses


Offering customers interactive and engaging content through mobile app experiences. Features include, but are not limited to:

• Personalized Recommendations

• Geographical Location Search

• Offer Deals and Discounts

• Digital Wallets and Payments

• Social Posts, Chat, Live Streams

• Badges and Leaderboard Rankings

Venue Owners

The InovateForward platform is a full suite of services that enable venue owners to create viral engagement, repeat visits and transactions, and increased revenue.

• Manage Deals and Offers

• Schedule Events

• Dashboard Analytics

• Featured Activities and Interests

• Alerts and Notifications

• Purchase Products and Services


Our advertising platform offers an entire suite of retail promotional tools to directly target customers demographics, retail venues, brand sponsors.

• Analytic Reporting

• Inventory Management

• Ad Campaigns

• Targeted Notifications

• Aggregate Reporting

• Geofencing demographics

Our Premier Application

MyTeamSports™ is a unique marketing opportunity created by InovateForward™. Sports bridge 

the gap between cultures, ethnicities, political persuasions, sexes, and financial disparities. 

The MyTeam Sports™ app allows everyone to join sports fans and cheer for their favorite 

teams, at preferred retail venues.


The My Team Sports™ app helps you find the best venue 

to have the best viewing experience, with your favorite 

team and sports fans.

App Features

• Search for venues to watch favorite sports and teams

• Manage calendar schedules

• Invite friends and see where they are attending

• Save offers, discounts to your digital wallet

• Purchase Special Event tickets

• Earn Fan badges and achievements

•  Leaderboard Rankings

• Join Fan groups and create social posts

• Latest News and Scores

• Chat and Livestream experiences

Download Now!

Retailer + Advertiser Benefits


Through a full suite of executive tools, managers can schedule notifications, send chat messages, create and edit content, customize app features, and more through the CMS web dashboard.

Retailers + Sponsors

Brands and sponsor can be featured with content throughout the app. Promotions and featured special vents can be target to specific audiences based on state, city, postal code, and neighborhood.


Custom reporting and analytic tools all managed through the ad server dashboard, target ad spends directly to consumer demographics. Manage and schedule ad campaigns, review reports and analytics.

Advertising Platform Capabilities

The ad server platform offers you an entire suite of retail promotional tools to directly 

target audiences, retailers, and content consumers.

Establish recurring revenue streams with service tools orientated solutions built around managed software. 

With tool from InovateForward™, our platform offers you an entire suite of promotional advertising tools, including:


Detailed reports include requests, impressions, clicks, and click-through rate (CTR) show results in aggregate across all your campaigns or down to the individual campaign level.

Inventory Management

Upload on the fly and immediately deploy. Easily update or replace ad content and adjust your audiences with a few clicks. Everything you need to effectively get your message to the right app users at the right place and time is at your fingertips. 


Create IAB standard campaigns (banner ads, leaderboards, interstitials, and skyscrapers) plus you can serve video ads. You’re not limited to any one media type.

CMS Web Dashboard

Regardless of whether your business size, our platform adapts to support communities large and small. Through a full suite
of customizable business services using our powerful Content Management System (CMS) and Event Management System (EMS), businesses can activate functionality from Chat, to Groups, to content based challenges and themed games, topics, news, scores, quizzes, badges, achievements, and leaderboards

• Account management

• Analytic reporting

• Challenges and Contests

• Mobile + Web configurations

• Media asset collections

• Assignments/Tasks

• Badges + Achievements

• Leaderboards, Reward Points

• Ad Serve management

• Audience, geofence filtering

• Messaging, push notifications

• Digital wallet + payments

In the News

New Sports App Connects Sports Fans and Venues to Enhance Game Watching

Mon, August 7, 2023

Alexandria, VA – Like many other Americans, Marci Weis felt isolated, secluded, and disconnected during the pandemic. Unlike most other Americans, Weis used her time and focused her energies on a product to bring people together.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us to see how InovateForward™ can help maximize our suite of technology services and solutions to empower businesses to improve efficiencies  and effectively enhance customer experiences. 

Contact Us


+ 1 (703) 929-1531

Strategic Partners